28th June

Concert will begin at 16:55 hours GMT

Ligeti's 'Le Grand Macabre' with Lee, Amereau, Holiday, Carl and Ammann from Munich

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György Ligeti's 'Le Grand Macabre' is an opera with a libretto by the composer in collaboration with Michael Meschk, based on 'La Ballade du Grand Macabre' by Michel de Ghelderode. It was first performed in Stockholm on 12 April 1978 and a revised version was premiered in Salzburg on 28 July 1997. Sung in French. Performers:

Amanda: Seonwoo Lee.
Amando: Avery Amereau.
Prince Go-Go: John Holiday.
Astradamors: Sam Carl.
Mescalina: Lindsay Ammann.
Piet vom Fass: Benjamin Bruns.
Nekrotzar: Michael Nagy.
Ruffiak: Andrew Hamilton.
Schobiak: Thomas Mole.
Schabernack: Nikita Volkov.

Bavarian State Opera Choir. Bavarian State Orchestra. Conductor: Kent Nagano.


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Bavarian State Opera- Munich National Theatre