29th June

Concert will begin at 15:00 hours GMT

Lithuanian Song Celebration Song Day from Kaunas

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Lithuanian Song Celebration. Song Day. The program of the Anniversary Song Day “Hills Green with Forests” draws inspiration from the leads of the first Song Celebration Juozas Naujalis, Julius Štarka, and Stasys Šimkus, and it will tell a story of bridges built by songs. Those bridges, over the one-hundred-year period, have led into the contemporary state and the youthful Kaunas. Almost 4,000 performers – chorists and dancers – will perform pieces connecting the history of the Song Celebration and the presence. The program will encourage the audience to dream about oaks and rivers, about green meadows and forests, and the face of the Earth: evolving, sustainable, voluminous.


Kenderes (2/7/2024)
Thank you!
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Valley of Songs, Kaunas