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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 21/02/2025Friday
- 22/02/2025Saturday
- 23/02/2025Sunday
- 24/02/2025Monday
- 25/02/2025Tuesday
- 26/02/2025Wednesday
- 27/02/2025Thursday
- 09:05Le Cercle de l'Harmonie plays Cassanea, Gossec, Haydn, Gluck et al in Vienna
- 17:00Schreker and Jakubenas sound in Vilnius
- 17:00Choral music from Bucharest: Tchaikovsky, Dugan, Dvorák, Hristic et al
- 17:00Stravinsky, Gershwin with Thibaudet and Brahms' Fourth from Helsinki
- 18:00Aperghis' 'Luna Park' from Warsaw
- 18:04Hope plays Westhoff, Schulhoff, Biber, Penderecki et al in Erlangen
- 18:30Händel's 'Messiah' from Copenhagen
- 18:30The Nobel Price Concert from Stockholm: Beethoven, Bruch with Chen and Mahler's First
- 18:30Wagner with Simic, Sulek's Third and Beethoven with Kovacevich from Zagreb
- 19:00Frang, the Vienna Philharmonic and Haitink in Lucerne: Sibelius and Strauss
- 19:00Blacher, Ligeti with Kopatchinskaja, a Winkelman's world premiere & Schubert from Munich
- 19:00Bach, Brahms with Nemtanu, Beethoven and Mozart from Paris
- 19:04Sciarrino, Furrer, Clarke, Zubel & a Kalitzke's world premiere in Cologne
- 19:30Bartók with Mustonen and Hindemith from Glasgow
- 19:30Bennett, Schumann & Fauré with Holliger and Ravel from Lugano