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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 07/03/2025Friday
- 08/03/2025Saturday
- 09/03/2025Sunday
- 10/03/2025Monday
- 11/03/2025Tuesday
- 12/03/2025Wednesday
- 13/03/2025Thursday
- 09:00Strauss, Ledger with Blades, Stravinsky and Ravel from Perth
- 13:00Gossec's 'Grande Messe des Morts' with Santon, González Toro & Richard from Versailles
- 17:00Croitoru and Mihail play Tartini, Beethoven, Enescu & Ravel in Bucharest
- 17:00A Tüür's world premiere and Mahler's Sixth from Helsinki
- 18:00Brahms' 'Ein Deutsches Requiem' with Winland, Markov & Gergiev from Stockholm
- 18:35Verdi's 'Requiem' with Fantini, Németh, Secco and Youn from Budapest
- 19:00Mendelssohn's 'Reformation' and Gouvy's 'Requiem' from Saarbrücken
- 19:00Wagner's 'Götterdämmerung' excerpts with Schager, Nolte and Schöne from Lüneburg
- 19:00Porat plays Ligeti, Rameau, an own work and Schubert in Berlin
- 19:00Segerstam conducts Sibelius, an own work, Wagner and Strauss in Madrid
- 19:04A Wiegand's world premiere and Brahms twice with Süssmann once from Weimar
- 19:04Mendelssohn with Helmchen and Mozart with Karg from Frankfurt
- 19:15Stenz conducts Henkemans and Mahler's First in Utrecht
- 19:30A Howard's world premiere, Grieg with Tsujii and Mendelssohn from Manchester
- 20:00Rota's 'Il Cappello di paglia di Firenze' with Adami, Boyle and Lyons from Wexford