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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 09:05The Mahler Chamber Orchestra plays Stravinsky, Beethoven & Schönberg in Vienna
- 10:30The Trio Anima Mundi plays Saint-Saëns, Boulanger and Martin in Melbourne
- 12:04Chamber music from Weikersheim: Brahms, Shostakovich, Bartók & Beethoven
- 17:00Rubin's 'Evening Song' and Svidirov's 'Spring Cantata' & 'Snow Storm' from Moscow
- 17:00Gervasoni, Motiekaitis, Laurusas, Narbutaite and Kulenty sound in Vilnius
- 18:30Lugansky plays Schubert, Bauer and Tchaikovsky in Humlebæk
- 19:00Le Poème Harmonique performs del Encina and Spanish traditional music in Gdansk
- 19:00Bach's 'Mass in B minor' with Johanssen, Invernizzi, Sabadus, Prégardien & Tittoto from Berlin
- 19:00Donizetti's 'La fille du régiment' with Kurzak, Camarena and Spagnoli from Madrid
- 19:00Podger and the European Baroque Orchestra play Bach & Vivaldi in Ghent
- 19:00Händel's 'Dixit Dominus' and Franssens' 'Harmony of the Spheres' from Zagreb
- 19:00Rey and Martínez Mehner play Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms & Wienawski in Barcelona
- 19:00Ligeti, Mozart with Fellner and Schubert's Sixth from Lausanne
- 19:04Brustad, Händel, Halvorsen, Bull and Svendsen sound in Leipzig
- 19:04Ars Choralis Coeln performs medieval songs in Herne
- 19:15Ticciati, Larsson, Viersen and Minaar play Wagner, Bosmans, Keuris, Linde et al in Amsterdam
- 19:30The Artemis Quartet plays Mozart, Vasks and Smetana in London