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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 10:00Pintó, Piazzolla with Bardolet and Palmeri with Coma-Alabert & Mercadante from Girona
- 16:00Ginastera with de Maistre, Godefroid and Shostakovich from Bilbao
- 17:05A Brege and an Auznieks world premieres, Chopin, Loboda and Mahler from Jurmala
- 17:30Chamber music from Tampere: Golijov, Ravel, Piazzolla and Tchaikovsky
- 18:00Barry, Prokofiev, Horner and Bernstein sound in Frankfurt
- 18:00Perry, Shostakovich with Gabetta and Tchaikovsky's 'Pathétique' from Oslo
- 18:25Shostakovich with Hadelich and Bartók from Copenhagen
- 18:30Repusic conducts Pejacevic, Wagner and Strauss in Zagreb
- 18:30An all Mozart concert with Lazic from Bergen
- 18:30Chamber music from Vienna: Kurtág, Schönberg, Furrer and a Wolfson's world premiere
- 18:35The Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra plays Schubert in Budapest
- 19:00Leong, Elders, Lourenço, Nunes, Shadrin and Quennesson play a Noben's world premiere and Dvorák in Waterloo
- 19:00Young musicians play Koetsier, Poulenc and Sibelius in Hamburg
- 19:00Gatti conducts Schumann's 'Spring' and 'Rhenish' in Paris
- 19:00Turina, Coll with Gabetta and himself, Martinu and de Falla from Basel
- 19:00Massarrão and Ribeiro play Janácek, Beethoven, Lopes-Graça and Schumann in Lisbon
- 19:00Bezuidenhout, MacLeod and Gli Angeli Genève perform Bach, Beethoven and Schubert in Geneva
- 19:04Shandilya's 'Search for Buddha' with Lahoud, Stockhausen, Mishra, Bouman, Krija, Khan and himself from Cologne
- 19:04Dongois and the Ensemble Ventosum perform diminuted pieces in Nuremberg
- 19:15Twenty composers sound in Amsterdam
- 19:30Bach and Stravinsky with the BBC Singers and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra from Glasgow
- 19:30Ólafsson, Tómasson, Skarphéðinsdóttir, Kristinsson and Másson sound in Reykjavík