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- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 02:00Mozart & Strauss with Dohr and Schubert's 'Great' from Hobart
- 10:00Halloween Concert from Amsterdam: Grieg, Stravinsky, Saint-Saëns, Williams and more
- 10:00Sado conducts Mahler's Sixth in Vienna
- 10:00Stravinsky with Zimmermann and Brahms' First from Hamburg
- 10:30Granados, Nielsen with Dalene and Brahms' Second from Madrid
- 10:50Bach and Laganà's 'Fugues on impossible themes' from Rome
- 13:05Gardiner, Stravinsky, Shostakovich with Argerich & Elia and Prokofiev from Amsterdam
- 16:00String Quartet Final of the Concours de Genève
- 16:55Strauss' 'Salome' with Grigorian, Daszak, Urmana, Ketelsen, Kurucová and Palchykov from Hamburg
- 17:00Maxwell Davies, Vaughan Williams with Heffernan and Holst's 'The Planets' from Muskegon
- 18:20Final of the Copenhagen Lied Duo Competition
- 18:30Haydn, Martinu with Vallentin and Dvorák's Fifth from Leipzig
- 19:00Klauza conducts Wagner, Górecki, Penderecki and Pärt's Fourth in Warsaw
- 19:00100 years of music on the radio from Berlin: an Adrian's world premiere, Eisler, Wagner, Rebel and more
- 19:00Prokofiev, Shostakovich with Kanneh-Mason and Beethoven's 'Pastoral' from Paris
- 19:04Historic recording: Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' with Schock, Lipp, Stich-Randall, Kunz and Sert from Cologne
- 19:15The Doric String Quartet plays Haydn, Golijov and Enescu in Leiden
- 19:30Malek with Boldoczki and Haydn with Váradi, Láng, Megyesi and Kovács from Budapest
- 21:00Verdi, Bruch with Hanson and Brahms' Second from Colorado Springs
- 22:00Botstein conducts Lehár, two Strauss and Mahler's Sixth in Annandale-on-Hudson
- 22:55Chamber music from Boston: Händel, O'Carolan, Rameau, Dowland, Biber and more