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- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 00:00Mistral plays Coleridge-Taylor, Fauré and Mendelssohn in Brookline
- 00:00Martinsson, Mozart with Bronfman and Sibelius' Second from Pittsburgh
- 01:00Quant, Lee, Henry and Reynolds perform Poulenc, Verdi, Zemlinsky, Canal, Quant, Smith Moore and Scheer in Chicago
- 02:00Muti conducts Beethoven, Still and Price's Third in Chicago
- 02:00Cheetham Fraillon, Brahms with de Borah and Korngold from Melbourne
- 03:00St.Clair conducts Mahler's Ninth in Costa Mesa
- 10:00Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons' with Ferschtman and Schubert's Second from Barcelona
- 13:00Krimmel and Bushakevitz perform Schumann, Mandyczewski and Brahms in London
- 17:00A Bubnelis and a Vitkauskaite world premieres, Sciarrino and Roukens from Vilnius
- 18:25Melbye and the Ensemble Storstrøm play Debussy, Tarp, Gaubert, Martinu and Roussel in Toreby
- 18:30Mahler, Berg with Kurucová and Ostrcil from Prague
- 18:35Two concerts from Hungary: harp music with Polonyi, Bartók with Várjon and Beethoven
- 19:00Kashkashian and Nagy play Stravinsky, Schumann, Auerbach, Guastavino and López Buchardo in Hitzacker
- 19:00Webern, Mahler with Goerne and Brahms' Second from Amsterdam
- 19:00Norrbotten NEO plays Watkins, Holloway, an Auznieks' world premiere and more in Piteå
- 19:04The Ensemble Heinavanker performs de Orte, von Bingen, de Machaut and Gregorian songs in Dormagen