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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 04:00Gershwin with Tao and Kahane with Moran from San Francisco
- 08:30Cheetham Frailon, a Douglas' world premiere, Greenbaum, Zappa and more from Melbourne
- 17:00Scriabin with Grazinyte, Bernstein, Márquez and Juozapaitis from Vilnius
- 17:00Mozart, Haydn with four soloists and Rebel from Bucharest
- 17:00Ligeti, Haydn with four soloists and Mendelssohn's 'Scottish' from Helsinki
- 17:30Steinberger and Drake perform Schubert in Madrid
- 18:30Choral music from Krakow: Lauridsen, Vaughan Williams, Hindemith and Ravel
- 19:00Archival recording: Tetzlaff and the Ensemble Oriol play Schönberg and Beethoven in Berlin
- 19:00The Saar Wind Projekt Orchestra plays Myaskovsky, Reed, Devrese and Bürkl in Saarbrücken
- 19:00Capuçon plays and conducts Prokofiev, Ravel, Fauré and Berlioz in Geneva
- 19:00Le Concert des Nations play Rebel, Händel and Gluck in Barcelona
- 19:00Rota, Movio, Vivaldi, Locke, Byrd, Tippett, Walton and more sound in Arnhem
- 19:00Chamber music from Gothenburg: Ireland, Schubert, Andrée, a Haltli's world premiere, Bruch and more
- 19:04Brahms with Weithaas and Hornung, Schulhoff and Sibelius' Third from Bochum
- 19:04Blomstedt conducts Schubert's Fourth and Berwald's Second in Bamberg
- 19:04Debussy, Rodrigo with Csáki, Giran, Fellegi & Pavlovits and Prokofiev from Budapest
- 19:30Brahms with Ehnes, Messiaen and Fauré's 'Requiem' with Lois and Davies from Cardiff
- 20:00Dutilleux with Brodbeck, Sowa and Andriessen from Basel
- 22:00The Accademia Bizantina plays Bach's 'Musical Offering' in Ravenna