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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 02:00Ravel, Dessner with Kuusisto and Stravinsky from Chicago
- 10:00Pretérito Imperfecto performs de Torres, Oliver Astorga, Durón and more in Sant Mateu de Bages
- 13:00Bavouzet plays three Haydn's Sonatas in London
- 13:04Desandre, Davies, Dunford and the Jupiter Ensemble perform Händel in Vienna
- 17:00Vivaldi, Glass with Botinov, Bach, Beethoven and Richter with Fedosova from Vilnius
- 19:00Mozart's 'Prague' and Haydn twice with Molinari once from Milan
- 19:00Kozená, Rattle and friends perform Chausson, Stravinsky, Strauss, Ravel and more in Kiel
- 19:00Corti and Orfeus Barock Stockholm play three Bachs, Graun and Benda in Stockholm
- 19:00Hindemith with five soloists, Wagner with Cukrová and Shostakovich from Prague
- 19:00Vidovic plays Bach, Sor, Giuliani, Tàrrega, Scarlatti and more in Sitges
- 19:00MacMillan, Aho with Cooke and van Sambeek and Shostakovich's Tenth from The Hague
- 19:04Bach, Brahms, von Herzogenberg and Wilms sound in Dormagen
- 19:04The Freiburger BarockConsort plays Monteverdi, Biber, Schmelzer and Farina in Freiburg
- 19:20Archival recording: Purcell, Händel and Bach & Mozart with Fenyves from Budapest