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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 06:30Korngold, Barber with Lewis and Dvorák's Ninth from Auckland
- 13:00Kolesnikov and Tsoy play Beethoven, Britten and Schubert in London
- 16:00Manchado, Debussy with Alcedo and Perles and Dvorák's Ninth from Madrid
- 17:05Raumanis and Tomins perform Piazzolla, Darzins, Plakidis, Jujama, Palmer and more in Riga
- 18:25Larcher with Gerstein, Strauss and Ravel from Copenhagen
- 18:30Njezic and Strauss & Mahler's Fourth with Sampson from Zagreb
- 18:30Mozart and Salieri with Kataeva and Levin from Salzburg
- 19:00Chamber music from Maribor: Haydn, Lipovsek, Gnattáli, Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Boccherini
- 19:00Wülker with himself and the NDR Radiophilharmonie from Hannover
- 19:00The Ensemble Fiori e Fuoco plays Cima, Castello, Kapsberger, Gabrielli, Monteverdi and more in Lisbon
- 19:00Berio's 'Rendering' and Brahms with Wallisch from Schwerin
- 19:00Bernstein, Heggie with DiDonato and Adams' 'Harmonielehre' from Paris
- 19:00Roussel, Ravel with Degout, Britten with Hannigan and Haydn from Lausanne
- 19:00Van Wauwe and the Carousel ensemble play Bruckner's Seventh in Ghent
- 19:04The Acies Quartet plays Kancheli and Beethoven in Icking
- 19:04The Ensemble Modern plays Widmann with himself, Palomar and Janulyte in Frankfurt
- 19:04Mendelssohn twice and Szymanowski with Adelmann from Bielefeld
- 19:30Wigglesworth plays and conducts Bach and Stravinsky in Glasgow
- 19:30Rachmaninov with Hough and Shostakovich's Tenth from Reykjavík
- 19:35Chamber music from Budapest: Schumann, Mozart and Beethoven
- 20:04The Ensemble Modern plays Paxton with himself and Herrmann in Stuttgart
- 21:00Sousa conducts Dvorák, de Freitas Branco, Ravel and Stravinsky in Lisbon