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- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 02:00Young, Saint-Saëns with Nguci and Mussorgsky from Sydney
- 11:00Franco, Díaz-de la Fuente, Martínez Burgos and Schönberg from Madrid
- 13:15Gubaidulina, Prokofiev with Baráti and Rachmaninov's Second from Amsterdam
- 14:30The Trio Estatico plays Li, Senk, Markovic, Brantmayer, Facer and more in Bratislava
- 14:54A Purrington's world premiere and Beethoven's Ninth with Trevigne, Johnson Cano, Tritschler and Kosavic from Atlanta
- 15:00An Auznieks' world premiere, Tüür with Circenis and Martinaitite from Cesis
- 16:00Wagner's 'Lohengrin' with Beczala, Wilson, Goerke and Nikitin from New York
- 17:00Monteverdi's 'Arianna a la recherche' from Tallinn
- 17:55García-Tomás' 'Alexina B.' world premiere with Vinyes-Curtis, Amo, Copons, Sabata and Esteve from Barcelona
- 18:00Dutilleux, Debussy and Grisey with Akselrod & Bre from Frankfurt
- 19:00Strauss' 'Arabella' with Jakubiak, Soffel, Watson, Braun and Pesendorfer from Berlin
- 19:00Reger twice and Mozart with Wildschut from Kalsruhe
- 19:00Debussy's 'Pélleas et Mélisande' with Bliss, Dennefeld, Boxer and Miles from Paris
- 20:00Mozart's 'Requiem' with Denis, Clapeyron, Vouillot and Renard from Paris