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- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 00:00Ravel, Moussa & Chausson with Gomyo and Stravinsky from Pittsburgh
- 01:00Reynolds plays Donizetti with Henry and Mussorgsky in Chicago
- 02:00Adams, Stravinsky with Josefowicz and Dvorák's Eighth from Chicago
- 03:00Adams, Mozart with Bouriakov and Orbón from Los Angeles
- 13:00Barron and Lahiry perform Montsalvatge, Valcárcel, Lecuona, Mahler, Weill and more in London
- 16:00Sarkisjan and Kjurdian play Strauss, Khachaturian, Garuta and Vitols in Riga
- 17:00The Grand Trio Vilnius plays Senderovas, Schönberg and Brahms in Vilnius
- 18:25The Danish National Vocal Ensemble performs Mendelssohn, Bach, Schumann, Smyth & Grøndahl in Copenhagen
- 18:30Satie's 'Socrate' and Martinu's 'Alexandre bis' with Rubis, Stefanska, Huchet, Janus & Kubas from Warsaw
- 18:30Wagner's 'Tristan und Isolde' Act I with Weinius, Teige, Pohl, Bock and Nekoranec from Prague
- 18:35Kovács and In Medias Brass play Scheidt, Gabrieli, Kovács, Vivaldi, Bach and Ewald in Szeged
- 19:00Archival recording: Brahms with Dohr & Langlament, Wolf with Herrmann and Mahler with Stutzmann from Berlin
- 19:04The Ingenium Ensemble plays Chesnokov, Strmole, Hrusovar and more in Fautenbach
- 19:04Azouqah, Dorman with Sars & Wippermann and Zur from Cologne
- 19:15Bach's 'St. John Passion' with Güra, Debus, Christensen, Rasker, Winckhler and Milhofer from Amsterdam