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- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 02:00Debussy, Shaw with Roomful of Teeth and Price's Fourth from New York
- 04:00Cislowska plays Liszt, Chopin, Verdi, Kats-Chernin, Bach, Piazzolla and more in Hobart
- 07:30Kernis, Bloch with Altstaedt and Shostakovich's Tenth from Wellington
- 10:00Lortie, Meyer and Moreau play Fauré, Debussy, Brahms and Beethoven in El Vendrell
- 13:00Sze-yuen, Sze and Tao play Rachmaninov in Hong Kong
- 17:00Gluzman, Moser & Korobeinikov play Shostakovich, Schubert and Pärt in Helsinki
- 17:00A Kozlova-Johannes, a Seppar and a Rostovtseva world premieres, Sumera and Ratniece from Tallinn
- 17:00Wagner, Ravel with Ivanov and Liszt's 'A Dante Symphony' from Sofia
- 17:00Mozart, Schumann with Suma and Rachmaninov's First from Bucharest
- 17:05The NYX Trio plays Grinums, Raumanis, Auznieks, Lusens, Krilova and Kalejs in Riga
- 18:00Ferenczy, Schumann with Bradshaw and Strauss from Bratislava
- 18:00Fagerlund, Korngold with Shaham and Nielsen's Fourth from Stockholm
- 18:25Nielsen twice with Kim once from Copenhagen
- 18:30Monteverdi's 'L'Orfeo' with Mbundu, van Essen, Treurniet, and Wanderer from Hannover
- 18:30Szymanowski with Hadelich and Mahler's Fifth from Warsaw
- 18:35Rameau's 'Les fêtes d'Hébé' with Santon Jeffery, Perbost, Doray and Van Mechelen from Budapest
- 19:00O'Regan, Sweelinck, Mendelssohn, Bach, Sting, Mahler and JacobTV from Utrecht
- 19:00Verdi's Requiem with Lyons, Harmsen, Arcayürek and Nazmi from Ghent
- 19:00Brahms, Beethoven's Eighth and Shepherd sound in Hamburg
- 19:00Gubaidulina, Tchaikovsky with Kantorow and Prokofiev's Sixth from Brussels
- 19:00Strauss with Wagner and Prokofiev's 'Alexander Nevsky' with Lapkovskaja from Madrid
- 19:00Mozart with Alder, Lehmkuhl, Peter, Strazanac & the Orfeó Català and Schumann from Berlin
- 19:04Ligeti, Firsova with Bronfman and Stravinsky from Munich
- 19:04Ligeti, Vivier and Simpson with Benedetti from Cologne
- 19:04Mozart with Mühlemann and Strauss from Frankfurt
- 19:04An all Strauss concert with Damrau from Dresden
- 19:04Hindemith, Barber with Spacek and Rachmaninov from Stuttgart
- 19:30Strauss, Brahms/Berio with Carbonare and Schubert's Sixth from Rome
- 19:30Cicic and the Academy of Ancient Music play Farina, Westhoff, Walther, Schmelzer and more in London
- 19:30Webern, Strauss with Majeski and Mendelssohn's 'Scottish' from Dublin
- 21:00Montero plays Bach, Chopin, Prokofiev and Schumann in Lisbon
- 21:00Vilar and Fernandes play Gnattali, Gismonti, Braga and more in Rio de Janeiro