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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 04:00Marsalis, Tarkiainen with de Luna and Shostakovich's First from San Francisco
- 10:00Chamber music from Deltebre: Debussy, Haydn, Rossini, Clarke, Tomasi and more
- 13:00Goldscheider, Smart and Uttley play Brahms and Smyth in Perth
- 13:04Tchaikovsky with Hakhnazaryan and Schumann's Fourth from Vienna
- 17:00Mäntylä plays Jalkanen, Kapsberger, Bray and Muro in Helsinki
- 17:10Glen and Yuen play Walker, Hailstork and Dett in Rochester
- 17:30Romaniuk plays Satie, Ravel, Bach, improvisations, Glass and more in Madrid
- 17:55Mozart's 'Don Giovanni' with Micheletti, Pratt, Bartoli, Werba and Gatin from Florence
- 18:25Concerto Copenhagen plays Bach in Copenhagen
- 18:35Schumann with Soltani and Beethoven with Csövári, Mester, Szappanos & Walser from Budapest
- 19:00Ortiz, Händel, Falconieri, Matteis, Vivaldi and Uccelini sound in Saarlouis
- 19:00La Compagnia del Madrigale performs Monteverdi in Arnhem
- 19:04The Quatuor Diotima plays Saunders, a Mochizuki's world premiere and Beethoven in Cologne
- 19:30Vox Luminis performs Tallis, White, Sheppard, Byrd, Tomkins and more in London