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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 21/03/2025Friday
- 22/03/2025Saturday
- 23/03/2025Sunday
- 24/03/2025Monday
- 25/03/2025Tuesday
- 02:00Lyadov, Nielsen with Buck, Prokofiev's Fifth and Hailstork from Dallas
- 02:00The NOI+F Philharmonic plays Ravel, Wagner and Price in College Park
- 07:00Demers plays Bach, Albright, Laurin, Williams, Mozart, Stravinsky & Vierne in Auckland
- 10:00Seguí, Febrer and Leonardi play Bach in Vilamitjana
- 13:04Chamber music from Graz: Bowen, Delius, Mendelssohn and Bottesini
- 17:30Millers and Millere perform Schubert's 'Winterreise' in Liepaja
- 18:30Haydn with Gabetta and Mozart and Salieri with Lewek, Sáenz, Platt and Di Pierro from Salzburg
- 18:30Viotti and Schultsz perform Rossini and Schubert in La Chaux-de-Fonds
- 19:00Pergolesi's 'Stabat Mater' and Stravinsky's 'Pulcinella' with Schiavo, Mingardo, Becker & Stavrakakis from Rome
- 19:00Les Paladins play Vivaldi in Paris
- 19:00Vox Luminis performs four Bachs in Postdam
- 19:00The Doric String Quartet plays Adès with de Moed and Beethoven in Amsterdam
- 19:04Boulanger with Pavare, Berkenov & Van Mechelen and Mahler's Fifth from Halle
- 19:04Mendelssohn, Widmann with himself, Korngold and Weber from Munich
- 19:04Ars Antiqua Austria plays Arnold, Viviani, Pandolfi, Biber and Schmelzer in Kempen
- 19:30Beethoven with Biss and Shostakovich's 'Babi Yar' with Platt from Cardiff