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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 13/03/2025Thursday
- 14/03/2025Friday
- 15/03/2025Saturday
- 16/03/2025Sunday
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 02:30Vivaldi, Mills, Prokofiev, Chausson, Stravinsky, Bernstein and Glass sound in Aspen
- 04:00Betts-Dean and the Ensemble Q perform Macrae, Nielsen, Ledger and more in Brisbane
- 08:30Schumann's Fourth and Sibelius with Vengerov from Wellington
- 10:00Muti conducts Bruckner's Eighth in Salzburg
- 13:00Dohr, Widmann and Várjon play Brahms and Beethoven in Edinburgh
- 17:04Drobílková and Singer Pur perform music from the 19th century in Regensburg
- 18:00Archival recording: Boskovich with Hadar, Kaminsky with Ofer and a Tal's world premiere from Tel Aviv
- 18:25Åstrand and the Ensemble Hermes play Andrée, Lykke, Sibelius, Elgar and more in Saltum
- 18:30Händel's 'Alexander's Feast' with Kutrowatz, Johannsen and Gastl from Graz
- 19:00The Galilee Chamber Orchestra plays Elkhater, Beethoven with Szeps-Znaider and Mendelssohn in Berlin
- 19:30Ellington, Williams and Braxton sound in London
- 19:30Gatti conducts Mozart and Shostakovich's Tenth in Turin
- 19:40Hontvári conducts Beethoven and Bartók in Györ
- 21:30The Indaco Quartet plays Kim, Riccardi, Mariotti, Evangelisti and Bartók in Rome