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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 21/03/2025Friday
- 22/03/2025Saturday
- 23/03/2025Sunday
- 24/03/2025Monday
- 25/03/2025Tuesday
- 01:00Sutton's 'War Horse' from Wichita
- 02:00Cheetham Fraillon, MacMillan and Beethoven with Fagan, Plummer, Skelton & Shenyang from Melbourne
- 03:30Chamber music from Seattle: Beach, Chaminade, Borodin and Brahms
- 11:00Iglinova, Mata, Cámara, García Arroba, Comesaña & Albarés play Dvorák and Brahms in Madrid
- 12:00Lui, Mak, Li, Chen, Luk, Rao, Chow and Luk sound in Hong Kong
- 13:15A Wagemans world premiere with Kouwenhoven & Hendriks and Bruckner from Amsterdam
- 17:30Verdi's 'Aida' with Blue, Beczala, Kutasi, Kelsey and Belosselskiy from New York
- 18:00Mozart's 'Le nozze di Figaro' with Rosenius, Wallroth, Hertzman & Tilling from Stockholm
- 18:00Holmboe, Krenz, Palester and Lutoslawski with Leszczynska from Warsaw
- 18:00Arrieta's 'Marina' with Puértolas, Jordi, Rodríguez and Amoretti from Madrid
- 18:30Bach with Bouckov & Baráti, Chausson, Tchaikovsky and Strauss from Budapest
- 18:30Wertmüller's 'Echo 72' with Eggert, Chuntishvili, Grigorian and Kapeller from Hannover
- 19:00Haydn's 'The Creation' with Bowden, Vanberg and Morsch from Ravenna
- 19:00Strauss' 'Ariadne auf Naxos' with Davidsen, Spyres, Blanch and Park from Vienna
- 19:00Komitas, Khachaturian with Khachatryan and Dvorák's Sixth from Metz