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This schedule may be subject to last minute changes for reasons beyond our control.
WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 01/04/2025Tuesday
- 02/04/2025Wednesday
- 03/04/2025Thursday
- 04/04/2025Friday
- 05/04/2025Saturday
- 06/04/2025Sunday
- 07/04/2025Monday
- 00:00Bernstein's 'Chichester Psalms' and Shostakovich's 'Leningrad' from Cincinnati
- 02:00Barber, Tchaikovsky and Brahms with Gluzman from Costa Mesa
- 02:00Elder conducts Berlioz, Debussy, Strauss and Adams in San Francisco
- 06:00Whitehead, Mozart & Schumann with De Pledge and Brahms' First from Wellington
- 09:00The Cosmos Quartet plays Cánovas, Webern and Brahms in Barcelona
- 12:00The United Strings of Europe play Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich in London
- 16:00A Kuprevicius' world premiere with Comesaña, Rautavaara and Grieg from Vilnius
- 17:35Zelenka and Bach with Lökösházi, Bagosi, Körmendy & Cserményi from Debrecen
- 18:00Music for saxophone from Stockholm: Evangelista, Hettne, Tomner and Williamson
- 18:30Strauss, Berg with Baeva and Brahms' Second from Poole