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WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 17/03/2025Monday
- 18/03/2025Tuesday
- 19/03/2025Wednesday
- 20/03/2025Thursday
- 21/03/2025Friday
- 22/03/2025Saturday
- 23/03/2025Sunday
- 01:00The Vienna Philharmonic plays Catalani, Stravinsky and Schubert's 'Great' in New York
- 01:00Ortiz with The Crossing and Tchaikovsky twice with Gerhardt once from Boston
- 01:00Johnson, another Johnson with himself, Price and Montgomery from Detroit
- 02:00The Singapore Symphony Orchestra plays Koh, Brahms with Chua and Tchaikovsky in Sydney
- 10:00The Antwerp Symphony Orchestra plays Mozart twice and Beethoven with Reiss in Amsterdam
- 10:30Beethoven's 'Fidelio' with Lyons, Schmitt, Rose and van Mechelen from Madrid
- 10:50Baglini plays Schumann in Rome
- 12:00Farrenc, Mozart with Rozas & Marino and Beethoven's Fifth from Hannover
- 16:00Prégardien and Gees perform Schubert's 'Winterreise' in Bulle
- 16:00Bach, Adams and Glass with Kleven Hagen from Oslo
- 18:00Berwald, Ravel, Ludwig with Matsukawa & Stravinsky from Philadelphia
- 18:30Wagner, Chausson with Petersen and Bartók from Budapest
- 18:45The Klangforum Wien plays Nono, a Haas' world premiere with Zachhuber and Andre in Vienna
- 19:00Elgar with Capuçon and Dvorák's Seventh from Bordeaux
- 19:00Boulanger, Korngold with Shaham and Rachmaninov from Berlin
- 19:00SWR Young Opera Stars- Emmerich Smola Competition from Landau
- 19:00Eisendle, Monnakgotla with Dalene and Schumann's First from Berlin
- 19:00Purcell's 'The Fairy Queen' revisited with Robson and Vox Luminis from Amsterdam
- 19:30Milani, Mattioli and Nguci play Ligeti and Brahms in Turin
- 20:30Chamber music from Hannover: Shostakovich, Campra, Widmann and Caplet
- 21:00Pretto conducts Manzoli and Zemlinsky in Turin