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This schedule may be subject to last minute changes for reasons beyond our control.
WCH works in part automatically. For this reason, in some cases, if there are last minute changes, information is not changed or removed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the time change in Europe, the schedule for the 30 March- 5 April week is temporary until the 5th of April. We apologise for the inconvenience.
- 25/03/2025Tuesday
- 26/03/2025Wednesday
- 27/03/2025Thursday
- 28/03/2025Friday
- 29/03/2025Saturday
- 30/03/2025Sunday
- 31/03/2025Monday
- 02:00Ledger, Rachmaninov with Gavrylyuk and Beethoven's Fifth from Crawley
- 11:00Shearing, Orbán, Olson, Harris, Mäntyjärvi, Sondheim and Rutter from Madrid
- 13:15Janácek's 'From the House of the Dead' with Bloom, Davronov, Wood and Martiník from Amsterdam
- 14:00Gala Concert of 11th International K. Davidov Cello Competition from Riga
- 14:30The Quasars Ensemble plays Folprecht, Fujikura with Leo and Copland in Bratislava
- 17:00Historical recording: Ravel's 'L'Enfant et les sortilèges' and Poulenc's 'Les mamelles de Tirésias' from New York
- 17:00Madetoja's 'The Ostrobothnians' with Rasilainen, Pursio, Rusanen, Turunen and Nylund from Helsinki
- 18:00Turnage's 'Festen' with Clayton, Degout, Finley, Aldridge and Romaniw from London
- 18:04Strauss' 'Ariadne auf Naxos' with Kremer, Amier, Sanders, Láng and Frank from Enschede
- 18:30Strauss' 'Der Karneval in Rom' with Kutrowatz, Bruns, Fally and Schweinester from Vienna
- 18:35Verdi's 'Requiem' with Crocetto, Vörös, Poli and Bretz from Budapest
- 19:00An all Mozart concert with Gasparian and Meyer from Paris
- 19:00Berlioz's 'Béatrice et Bénédict' with Murrihy, Portillo, Devin and O'Sullivan from Dublin
- 19:00Brahms' 'Ein deutsches Requiem' with López Moreno & Welton from Rome
- 19:00Purcell's 'King Arthur' with Arens, Wichmann, Pollak and Götz from Schwetzingen
- 19:00An all Pärt concert with Gatto from Brussels
- 19:00Haas' 'Sarlatán' with Kubán, Ambrúsova, Moravec, Kovacic and Hebelková from Ostrava
- 19:00Márquez, Roig & Lecuona with Wagner, Gershwin and Peña from Paris
- 21:00A Guarnieri's world premiere, Korngold with Shaham and Tchaikovsky's 'Pathétique' from Bologna