13th September

Concert will begin at 17:00 hours GMT

A Pikush's world premiere, Almaszi with Pivnenko and Kozarenko with Tawanec from Warsaw

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Days of Ukrainian Music. Bohdana Pivnenko, violin, Oksana Nikitiuk, mezzo-soprano, Dmytro Tawanec, piano, and the National Soloists' Ensemble 'Kievska Kamerata' conducted by Roman Revakovich perform:

Yuri PIKUSH: 'Escape Velocity' for chamber orchestra, world premiere.

Zoltan ALMASZI: 'Seasons' for violin and chamber orchestra.

Oleksandr KOZARENKO: 'Irmolohion' for string orchestra/ 'Konzert-Stuck', for piano and chamber/ '5 Wedding Songs from Pokuttya' for voice and chamber orchestra/ Sinfonia Estravaganza.


Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Dwójka Dwójka

Witold Lutoslawski Studio, Polish Radio, Warsaw