21st February
Concert will begin at 13:00 hours GMT
Arcayürek and Lepper perform Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Hahn in London
Ilker Arcayürek, tenor, and Simon Lepper, piano, perform:
BEETHOVEN: An die ferne Geliebte (To the distant Beloved), Op.98/ Aus Goethes Faust (Mephistopheles’ Song of the Flea’ from Goethe’s Faust), Op.75 No.3/ Lied aus der Ferne (Song from Afar), WoO137/ Der Wachtelschlag (The Call of the Quail), WoO129/ Der Kuss (The Kiss), Op.128/ Dimmi ben mio che m’ami (Say, my love, that you love me), Op.82 No.1/ La partenza (The Departure), WoO124/ Plaisir d’aimer (Love’s Pleasure), WoO128/
Z?rtliche Liebe (Tender Love), WoO123/ Marmotte (Marmot), Op.52 No.7/ Resignation, WoO149/ In questa tomba oscura (In this dark tomb), WoO133.
MENDELSSOHN: Auf flügeln des Gesanges (On Wings of Song), Op.34 No.2/ Venetianisches Gondellied (Venetian Gondola Song), Op.57 No.5.
HAHN: La barcheta (The gondola).
MENDELSSOHN: Nachtlied (Night Song), Op.71 No.6.

LSO St. Luke's, London