15th July

Concert will begin at 16:00 hours GMT

Chamber music from Pärnu: Pärt, Mustonen, Biber, Brorson, Sjölin and Bartók

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Pärnu Music Festival. Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments Gala. The Foundation musicians play:

PÄRT: Silouans Song.

Olli MUSTONEN: Nonet No. 2.

BIBER: Battalia.

Hans Adolf BRORSON / German chorale, arr. Danish String Quartet: ‘Now found is the fairest of roses’.

Fredrik SJÖLIN: ‘Shore’.

BARTÓK: Divertimento for Strings: III Allegro assai.


Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Klassika Raadio Klassika Raadio

Pärnu Concert Hall