16th October

Concert will begin at 18:00 hours GMT

Five world premieres from Donaueschingen: Schneller, Romero, Wertmüller, Lang and Milliken

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Donaueschingen Music Days. The SWR Symphony Orchestra conducted by Titus Engel plays:

Oliver SCHNELLER: The New City, for small orchestra and electronics, world premiere.

Lula ROMERO: Displaced, for small orchestra, world premiere,

Michael WERTMÜLLER: New work for small orchestra, world premiere.

Klaus LANG: New work for small orchestra, world premiere.

Cathy MILLIKEN: New work for small orchestra, world premiere.

HINDEMITH: Chamber Music No. 1 for twelve solo instruments, Op. 24 No. 1.


Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field

Baarsporthalle, Donaueschingen