5th July

Concert will begin at 18:00 hours GMT

Four world premieres from Stuttgart: Lim, Schmidt, Holloway-Nahum and Reudenbach

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Anna-Maria Hefele, overtone singing, Lukas Stamm, quarter-tone harpsichord, Leonie Klein, percussion, Marco Blaauw, trumpets, Ty Bouque, baritone, and the SWR Vocal Ensemble conducted by Michael Alber perform:

Liza LIM: Shallow grave Solo for neolithic ceramic horn/trumpet, world premiere.

Mia SCHMIDT: Now Night for overtone singer, quarter-tone harpsichord, marimba and choir, world premiere.

Aaron HOLLOWAY-NAHUM: I Contemplate Snippets of Silence and Find them Few for baritone, trumpet and electronics, world premiere.

Michael REUDENBACH: What else for 24 voices with texts by Jürgen Becker, world premiere.

Recorded 3 February.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field

Theaterhaus, Stuttgart