30th June

Concert will begin at 17:30 hours GMT

Händel's 'Athalia' with Lys, Dennis, Potter, Hulett and Grint from Leipzig

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Halle Händel Festival. Händel's 'Athalia' is an English-language oratorio to a libretto by Samuel Humphreys based on the play Athalie by Jean Racine. Athalia, daughter of King Ahab of Israel and Queen Jezebel, had been married to Jehoram, King of Judah. After her husband's death, Athalia was determined to stamp out the Jewish line of kings descended from David. She caused, so she believed, all the heirs to the throne to be murdered. She took the throne and ruled Judah herself, and began to devote the country to the idolatrous worship of Baal instead of the God of Israel. Performers:

Marie Lys: Athalia.
Anna Dennis: Josabeth.
Alex Potter: Joad.
Benjamin Hulett: Mathan.
Edward Grint: Abner.

Soloists of the MDR Radio Choir. MDR Radio Choir. Leipziger Barockorchester. Conductor: Philipp Ahmann.

Recorded 26 May.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
MDR Kultur MDR Kultur

Ulrichskirche Concert Hall, Leipzig