30th November
Concert will begin at 17:10 hours GMT
Holiday Music with the Eastman Horn Choir from Rochester
The Eastman Horn Choir led by W. Peter Kurau performs:
HÄNDEL arr Christopher Jones: For Unto Us a Child is Born.
MENDELSSOHN arr Verne Reynolds: Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe (Glory to God in the Highest).
Giovanni GABRIELI arr Verne Reynolds: Et in Terra Pax.
Irving BERLIN arr Alan Civil: White Christmas.
NELSON/ROLLINS and MARKS arr Dick Meyer: Frosty and Rudolph.
James Lord PIERPONT arr. Lowell Shaw: Jingle Bells.
BOOTHE, BOOTHE, and BEAL arr Jack Finlay: Jingle Bell Rock.
Leonard SCHWARTZ arr Verne Reynolds: Cor Carols.

Hochstein Performance Hall, Rochester