8th March
Concert will begin at 17:00 hours GMT
Kornowicz, Kilar, Krauza, Pstrokonska-Nawratil and Górecki sound in Wroclaw
Tomasz Sierant, flute, Zygmunt Krauze, piano, Mi?osz Pekala, Magdalena Kordylasinska-Pekala, marimbas, Christian Danowicz, violin and conductor, and the NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra play:
Jerzy KORNOWICZ: 'Family Album' Overture.
Wojciech KILAR: 'Siciliana' for flute and string orchestra.
Zygmunt KRAUZE: 'Threnody' Krzysztof Penderecki in Memoriam for piano and orchestra.
Grazyna PSTROKONSKA-NAWRATIL: 'El Condor' for 2 marimbas and string orchestra.
H.M. GÓRECKI: Thee Pieces in Old Style.