10th September

Concert will begin at 23:00 hours GMT

Mahler's Eighth with Maldonado, Holm, Pavón, Merino, Malvino, Smith, Spies & Iturralde from Buenos Aires

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Monserrat Maldonado (Magna Peccatrix), Carla Filipcic Holm (Poenitentium), Marisú Pavón (Mater Gloriosa), María Luisa Merino Ronda (Mulier Samaritana), Alejandra Malvino (Maria Aegyptiaca), Roy Cornelius Smith (Doctor Marianus), Alejandro Spies (Pater Ecstaticus), Hernán Iturralde (Pater Profundus), the Argentinean National Polyphonic Choir and the Teatro Colón Children's Choir, Choir and Orchestra conducted by Alejo Pérez perform:

MAHLER: Symphony No. 8 in E flat major.


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