3rd May

Concert will begin at 19:00 hours GMT

Ortiz, Händel, Falconieri, Matteis, Vivaldi and Uccelini sound in Saarlouis

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Daniel Hope, violin and moderation, Simos Papanas, violin, Nicola Mosca, cello, Emanuele Forni, lute, Markellos Chryssicos, harpsichord, and Michael Metzler, percussion, play:

Diego ORTIZ: Ricercata segunda.

HÄNDEL: Sarabande HWV 437 (arr. Olivier Fourés).

Andrea FALCONIERI: La suave melodia.

Nicholas MATTEIS: Various bizzarrie sopra la Veccia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona.

VIVALDI: Sonata for two violins 'La Follia'.

FALCONIERI: Passacalle à 3.

Trad.: Green sleeves.

LECLAIR: Le Tambourine.

Marco UCCELINI: Aria Sopra la Bergamasca.

MATTEIS: Ground after the Scotch Humour.


Trad.: Irish folklore.

VIVALDI: 3rd movement: Allegro from L'estro armonico op. 3 no. 8.

Reocrded 27 February.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
SR Kultur SR Kultur

Theater am Ring, Saarlouis