28th July

Concert will begin at 14:00 hours GMT

Pioro, Charlston, O'Connell and Gordon perform Matteis, Bach, Eccles, Walton and more in Gateshead

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BBC Proms. Daniel Pioro, violin, Helen Charlston, mezzo-soprano, Clare O'Connell, cello, and David Gordon, harpsichord, perform:

Nicola MATTEIS: Fantasia in A minor for solo violin – Alia Fantasia.

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Along the Field – ‘Along the Field as we came by’.

Anon: Corpus Christi Carol.

BACH: Partita No. 1 in B minor for solo violin – Sarabande.

John ECCLES: The Mad Lover Suite 5. Aire.

BACH: St Matthew Passion – ‘Erbarme dich, mein Gott’.

JACQUET DE LA GUERRE: Sonata No. 5 in A minor.

BACH: Partita No. 2 in D minor for solo violin – Sarabanda.

DOWLAND: ‘Flow, my tears’.

WALTON: Touch her soft lips and part.

COUPERIN: Les Baricades Misterieuses.

David GORDON: Mysterious Barracudas.

BACH: English Suite no.3 in G Minor BWV 808 Sarabande.

John BENNET: ‘Venus’ birds, whose mournful tunes’.

BACH: Cantata No. 199, ‘Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut – Aria, ‘Tief gebückt und volle Reue’.


Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
BBC Radio 3 BBC Radio 3

The Glasshouse International Centre for Music