26th June

Concert will begin at 17:30 hours GMT

Quagliati, Grossi da Viadana and Frescobaldi sound in Stary Sacz

Live streamLive stream

Stary Sacz Early Music Festival – Omnia Beneficia Festival. The Polish Radio Choir and the Festival Ensemble conducted by Marcin Szelest and Andrzej Zawisza perform:

Paolo QUAGLIATI: Toccata dell’ ottavo tuono.

Lodovico GROSSI DA VIADANA: Salmi a quattro chori.

FRESCOBALDI: Hinno della Domenica [Lucis creator optime].

GROSSI DA VIADANA: Salmi a quattro chori/ Sinfonia a doi tenori: Plaudant nunc organis Maria/ Magnificat.


Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Dwójka Dwójka

St. Elizabeth Church, Stary Sacz