16th March

Concert will begin at 17:30 hours GMT

Rossini's 'Guillaume Tell' with Frontali, Oropesa, Nazarova and Teitgen from Vienna

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Rossini's 'Guillaume Tell' is an opera in four acts to a French libretto by Étienne de Jouy and Hippolyte Bis. It was based on Friedrich Schiller's play William Tell, which drew on the William Tell legend.

Performers: Roberto Frontali: Guillaume Tell. Lisette Oropesa: Mathilde. John Osborn: Arnold. Maria Nazarova: Jemmy. Jean Teitgen: Gesler. Iván Ayon Rivas: Ruodi. Dan Paul Dumitrescu: Walter Fürst. Monika Bohinec: Hedwige.

Wiener Staatsoper Choir and Orchestra. Conductor: Bertrand de Billy.

Recorded 8 & 13 March.

Elizabeth hubbell (15/3/2024)
New York
Juan Diego has cancelled his appearance in Guillaume Tell and will be replaced by John Osborn. (per Operawire.com)
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Wiener Staatsoper