29th June

Concert will begin at 14:00 hours GMT

Sullivan's 'Ruddigore' with Miller, Phillips, Waggoner, Burton and Zuniga from Norman

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Arthur Sullivan's 'Ruddigore; or, The Witch's Curse' is a comic opera in two acts, with a libretto by W. S. Gilbert. In the town of Rederring, in Cornwall, a chorus of professional bridesmaids frets that there have been no weddings for the last six months. All of the eligible young men are hopeful of a union with Rose Maybud, the prettiest maiden in the village, yet they are too timid to approach her. The desperate bridesmaids ask Rose's aunt, Dame Hannah, if she would consider marrying, but she has vowed to remain eternally single. Many years previously, she had been betrothed to 'a god-like youth' who turned out to be Sir Roderic Murgatroyd, one of the bad baronets of Ruddigore.

Performers: Raeslyn Miller, Reese Phillips, Mitch Waggoner, Ronn Burton and Amber Zuniga.

Oklahoma Community Orchestra. Conductor: Mervin Tay. 

Recorded in July 2023.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Classical KUCO Classical KUCO

Nancy O'Brian Performing Arts Center, Norman