24th September

Concert will begin at 18:30 hours GMT

Tenebrae performs Holst, Pott, Shaw, Vaughan Williams and more in Ampleforth

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Ryedale Festival. Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short performs:

HOLST: The Evening Watch.

Cecilia McDOWALL: Standing as I do before God.

Francis POTT: The Souls of the Righteous.

Caroline SHAW: and the swallow.

Richard Rodney BENNETT: A Good-Night.


Joel THOMPSON: A Prayer for Deliverance.

John TAVENER: Song for Athene.

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Valiant for Truth.

Robert PEARSALL: Lay a Garland.

Arthur SULLIVAN: The Long Day Closes.

Herbert HOWELLS: Requiem.

William HARRIS: Bring us, O Lord.

Recorded 17 July.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
BBC Radio 3 BBC Radio 3

Ampleforth Abbey