28th July

Concert will begin at 15:57 hours GMT

Wagner's 'Das Rheingold' with Konieczny, Sigurdarson, Novak, Skrycka and Brownlee from Bayreuth

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Bayreuth Festival. Wagner's 'Das Rheingold' is the first of the four music dramas that constitute Der Ring des Nibelungen. At the bottom of the Rhine, the three Rhine maidens, Woglinde, Wellgunde, and Flosshilde, playing together. Alberich, a Nibelung dwarf, appears from a deep chasm and tries to woo them. Struck by Alberich's ugliness, the Rhine maidens mock his advances and he grows angry. He chases them and tries to catch them in his arms, but they elude him, and tease and humiliate him. Perfomers:

Wotan: Tomasz Konieczny.
Donner: Nicholas Brownlee.
Froh: Mirko Roschkowski.
Loge: John Daszak.
Fricka: Christa Mayer.
Freia: Christina Nilsson.
Erda: Okka von der Damerau.
Alberich: Ólafur Sigurdarson.
Mime: Ya-Chung Huang.
Fasolt: Jens-Erik Aasbø.
Fafner: Tobias Kehrer.
Woglinde: Evelin Novak.
Wellgunde: Natalia Skrycka.
Floßhilde: Marie Henriette Reinhold.

Bayreuth Festival Orchestra. Conductor: Simone Young.


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Bayreuther Festspielhaus